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Comandante – Burr Care Set

Original price was: $38.95.Current price is: $33.11.

1x glass bottle with 30ml Burr Care Oil (ADINOL White Oil WX 32)
1x soft cotton cloth (natural cotton)
1x Bürstle #5 (natural wood, stainless steel bristles)

Apply a small amount of oil to the cloth and rub onto the intended steel surface. Use our Bürstle #5 brush to clean the steel surface and remove oxidative residue. Wipe away any excess with the cloth. For maximum effect, only use on a dry steel surface.

Caution! Do not use the Burr Care Fluid and Bürste #5 on any wooden parts!

Ingredients: Burr Care Oil: 100% Pure Addinol Whiteoil WX32, NSF H1 + 3H registered Nr., 156391.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 2 in