Coffee – Indonesia / Sulawesi Toraja



meyer lemon, herbal, walnut, creamy

Country     Indonesia
Region      Toraja
Cultivar     S795
Process    Wet-hulled
Producer  PT Toarco Pedamaran Plantation
Elevation  1200 – 1600 masl

STC I Specialty Turkish Coffee ®  procures specialty coffee beans and develops roast profiles that are especially well suited to brewing superior cups of Turkish Coffee.

Roasted whole beans
8oz – 227gr


Out of stock

The most famous coffees from Indonesia are those from the island of Sumatra, and are processed as Wet-Hulled, or giling basah, which lends them their characteristic earthy, savory, almost meaty flavors.

The island of Sulawesi, on the other hand, primarily produces washed coffees for export. PT Toarco, a Japanese-Indonesian joint mill and export venture, are expert at producing clean, sweet, fruity coffees.

Most of the coffee produced in Toraja is S795 variety, developed in India to be resistant to leaf rust. The genetics of this variety is Typica and Liberica; even though it has genes from Liberica (a species of Coffea often thought to be lesser quailty than Arabica), we've seen 88+ and 90+ cups in these coffees.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 2 in